Directions to Shannon Airport, Fredericksburg, VA
Drive In:

Directions in Google Maps

Or, point your GPS to:

3380 Shannon Airport Circle
Fredericksburg, VA.

The airport is on the southeast side of Fredericksburg.

Fly In:

Shannon Airport (KEZF)

Location: 2 mi southeast of downtown Fredericksburg, south of the river.

38.2662222, -77.4493889

CTAF: 122.80

Elevation: 85 ft

Pattern Altitude: 1000 AGL

   06/24 (paved) 2,999 ft - Left Pattern
   15/33 (turf) 1,300 ft - Left Pattern

Special rules for the turf runway:

  • Do not fly over the paved runway. Thus:
    - 15 is only for landing.
    - 33 is only for take-off.
  • Watch for traffic on downwind for 06.
  • Indeed, if 06 is active, maybe avoid the turf runway. Or use the radio a lot.